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Privacy Policy

What data do we collect? 

CW Funding is committed to protecting the privacy of its customers. Our Privacy Policy explains the type of data we may collect, how we use that information, how we protect it, and what customers can do to limit the sharing of data. CW Funding collects public and nonpublic personal data such as name, address, Social Security number, assets, income, property information, and other credit relationships. This information may be gathered from various sources, including credit reports, applications, and other documents. We use this data to evaluate loan applications, service accounts, and comply with legal requirements. CW Funding protects customer information using various security measures, including encryption, firewalls, and access controls.

How do we use that data?

The provided data is utilized to process transactions, maintain accounts, respond to legal requests, and report to credit bureaus. Additionally, the information may be used within the company for various authorized purposes related to account servicing.

How do we protect that data?

CW Funding implements physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect customer data. Only employees who need customer information to perform specific responsibilities are given access. Affiliates and vendors who are granted access sign privacy agreements. The company trains employees on protecting customer data and has policies in place to prevent unauthorized disclosure or use of that information.

Disclosures Permitted By Law

We Do Not Disclose Any Customer Information To Affiliated Or Nonaffiliated Third Parties Except As Permitted By Law. The Primary Laws That Govern This Issue Are The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Of 1999; Regulation P, "Privacy Of Consumer Financial Information" And The Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Changes To This Information

We Reserve The Right To Amend This Policy At Any Time Without Notice. When Required By Law, We Will Send You A Notice Of The Change.

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